Ukrainian Journal of Constitutional Law ISSN 2519-2590
Certificate of state registration КВ 22166-12066Р 07.06.2016
Authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (p. 145 (Category B), annex 5, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №1188, 24.09.2020)

Aim and Scope. UJCL aims to create a platform for the dissemination of high-quality content on the problems of constitutionalism, especially for the Ukrainian reader. The latest developments and original ideas, trends in the science of constitutional law, which are crucial for the current development of the constitutional state in Ukraine, are in the focus of our attention.
Ukraine not only defends its state sovereignty and territorial integrity, but also works on building institutions, based on the ideas of constitutionalism – human rights, democracy, and rule of law. We provide scientific support for these processes in cooperation with the state authorities of Ukraine (including the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine), as well as international partners (including the OSCE).
The journal edits original research on constitutionalism and related disciplines, including Constitutional law, Comparative constitutional law, Political science, Theory and philosophy of law, European and International law. Interdisciplinary studies that focus on theoretical and practical constitutional and legal issues are welcomed.

Standards. Ukrainian Journal of Constitutional Law seeks to ensure the high quality of published articles and strictly adheres to the requirements of academic integrity and ethical standards of publications. The high quality, modernity, and relevance of the published material are guaranteed by the international Editorial Board, which consists of recognized scholars in the field of constitutional law from the leading institutions of the EU and USA.

Publishing Ethics. This Journal works in accordance with publishing ethics standards, which apply to authors, peer reviewers, the editorial office and the journal as a whole. Anyone who believes that these guidelines have not been followed should raise their concern with the editor or email

Reviewing. All manuscripts submitted to the editorial of the Journal undergo double-blind peer review and scientific editing.

Periodicity. UJCL is published quarterly (4 issues a year – in April, July, October, and January).

Indexing. The scientific journal is included into the following international databases: Index Copernicus International, Hein Online, CrossRef, Scientific Indexing Services, ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities), INFOBASE Index, Research Bib Academic Resource Index.

Open access. This is an open access Journal. All content is freely available. Users are permitted to read, download, copy or link to the full text of articles in this Journal without the prior permission of the publisher or author, but with a mandatory link to the source.

Revenue sources. UJCL operates on the basis of the organizational support of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. There are no payments from authors or readers.

Archives. All issues of UJCL are stored in our Archives and on the platform of the National Library of Ukraine named after V. Vernadsky, where they will be stored in case of termination of the Journal.


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Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (USREOU 02070987, 79000, Universytetska str., 1, Lviv, Ukraine)NGO “Center for Constitutional Initiatives” (USREOU 38763646, 79018, Storozhenka str., 12/501 Lviv, Ukraine)“Ukrainian Journal Of Constitutional Law” Editorial Magazine, LLC (USREOU 40252310, 79018, Storozhenka str., 12/501 Lviv, Ukraine)